DKN GymnastiX
An exciting Rhythmic Gymnastics
experience for
children ages 4-14
Rules, Obligations & Policies
We ask that the following important rules be adhered to:
Gymnasts must hold a valid British Gymnastics membership
Gymnasts will have a clean and tidy uniform at all times
Gymnasts will provide their own Rhythmic Gymnastics equipment (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon)
Hair must be tied back securely, preferably in a bun
No jewellery to be worn
Only bottled water is allowed in the gym - no fizzy drinks, food or chewing gum is allowed
Gymnasts will inform club/coach of any illness/injuries in the first instance and in any case prior to any training session(s)
Gymnasts will follow coaches’ instructions and behave in appropriate manner before, during and after sessions
Gymnast will respect the club coaches, officials and fellow gymnasts
We strongly recommend full attendance to all gymnast as new skills are taught in each session
For safety and security reasons gymnasts will not be allowed to leave the premises without permission of the Head Coach
Parents/Guardians need to ensure that their child has had a drink and been to the toilet before the start of the session to minimize disruption.
Parents/Guardians must bring and collect their child or children to and from session(s) and/or events promptly at designated time(s).
It is the Parents/Guardians responsibility to inform staff of any special medical conditions.
Parents/Guardians will inform the club of any changes in medical conditions as soon as they are aware of the changes
Parents/Guardians should not pressure their children or offer coaching advice
Should you have any queries about our service; please turn to the club’s Welfare Officer or email dkngymnastix@gmail.com or dkngymnastix.welfare@gmail.com
It is not acceptable to comment or pass judgment on other members (including their level of ability, squad place etc). DKN GymnastiX will give the opportunity for parents to ask on their child's progression and a report can will be send via email. Please do not approach coaches at the end of the class
Parents cannot request coaches’ phone numbers and personal email addresses, phone numbers of DKN GymanstiX competition officials will be given for competitions and events to be used in case of emergency only. Any communication with DKN GymnastiX coaches needs to be done via email.
Parents/Guardians should use social media and social means of communication (e.g., WhatsApp) in a positive and productive manner. evidence of misconduct, negative behaviour, harassment or bullying in these areas, may result in your child losing their membership.
All competitions and events are by invitation only.. The coaches will decide on competition participation, level, and frequency. In the event of no response to an invitation email, DKN GymnastiX will automatically assume that the gymnast will not take part in the activity/event.
Parents will be responsible for providing, in a reasonable time in advance, payments for entrance to competitions and possible travel expenses. Failure to do this will result in the withdrawal of the gymnast from the competition and might result in not confirming/inviting gymnasts to future events. Once confirming acceptance of participation in a competition and registration payments are made, there will be no refund in the case of withdrawal.
The club will not tolerate any abuse, bullying or threatening behaviour towards coaches and any members of our staff.
Coaches/teachers will follow Health & Safety rules and will provide safe environment for the participants at all times
Coaches/teachers will outline and create a clear pathway through simple and comprehensible instructions in a clear and understandable manner
Coaches/teachers will never leave participants unsupervised under any circumstances
Coaches/teachers will be allowed to correct participants in learning techniques during training session by using supporting methods regulated by British Gymnastics
Limited physical contact by the coach/teacher is made with particular awareness of the needs of each individual, to assist the gymnast in correcting placement.
Coaches/teachers will not accompany unrelated children to their home or place of residence
It will be acceptable for the coaches/teachers will be allowed to use appropriate level of verbal direction if they deem it necessary to avoid accidents and minimize injuries
The club ensure that appropriate and/or relevant action(s) are taken by the Head Coach, Welfare Officer, by referring concerns regarding possible abuse or neglect to Children's Social Care Services/Police, providing information for their investigations and by notifying British Gymnastics.
Membership and Payments
1. All gymnasts must have full British Gymnastics Membership which can be purchased from the British Gymnastics Website - www.british-gymnastics.org. Membership is not required for the first trial session
2. British Gymnastics membership prices range: from £24 to £75 per annum, depending on age and level/grade of the participant
3. The British Gymnastics membership runs from 1st of October to 30th September and it is not refundable
4. All payments must be made in advance, no refund will be made for missed classes
5. All payments must be made on the first working day of each month
6. The club accept bank transfers
7. Members who have not made their payment in full ahead of the start of class, will not be allowed to join classes
8. Prices and fees are based on a 4 weeks length of each month.
9. In the event that a class needs to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will endeavour to provide a replacement class
1. Our club relies on a steady income to cover our operating costs including payment of our coaches, hall rental and other administrative costs. The deposit policy requires you to make a deposit equivalent to one-months training fees for your gymnast.
2. Should you decide to withdraw your gymnast from our club, you are required to provide us with one month's notice and the deposit payment will be used for the last months fees.
3. Should you withdraw your gymnast without notice, DKN GymnastiX will retain the deposit as final payment.
With your consent, we may take photographs or videos during training or at club events to promote the club on our website, club social media account. Coverage of films and photos of participants will be published in line with British Gymnastics safeguarding policy
In accordance with BG Child Protection Policy we will not permit photographs, video or other images of young people to be taken without the consent of the child parent (if the child is under 16).
The club will take each step to ensure images are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately, you should inform DKN GymnastiX immediately