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 Uniform & Rhythmic Gymnastics Apparatus  


All gymnasts should wear clean clothing that allows freedom of movement - leotard, t-shirts, leggings or shorts, sock or gymnastics toe shoes.



Gymnasts’ hair must be tied back in a bun.



Due to Health and Safety all jewellery must be removed prior to class.




Rope - may be made of either hemp or a synthetic material. Its length should be proportionate to gymnasts' height. The rope should, when held down by the feet, reach gymnasts' armpits. The rope will be knotted at both ends to allow a good grip.  A one or two knots at each end are for keeping hold of the rope while doing the routine.

Hoop - may be made of either plastic or wood material and retains its shape during the routine. The interior diameter is from 51 to 90 cm and the hoop must weigh a minimum of 300g. The hoop needs to be covered with adhesive tape either of the same or of the different colour as the hoop.

Ball - should be made of either rubber or synthetic material (pliable plastic) and it possesses the same elasticity as rubber. It is 18 to 20 centimeters in diameter and must have a minimum weight of 400 grams. The ball can be of any colour. During routine the ball should rest in the gymnast's hand and not rest against the wrist.


Clubs - should be made of plastic or rubber, and can be different length and colour. A typical club is in the range up to 50 centimeters long and weigh between 200 and 300 grams , it is slim at the "handle" end, and has its centre of balance nearer the wider "body" end.

Clubs can be covered with adhesive tape either of the same or different colour as the clubs.

Ribbon should be made of satin or another similar material cloth of any colour; it may be multi-coloured and have designs on it. The ribbon itself must weigh at least 35g, and  4–6 cm in wide. For senior category a minimum length of 6m  long, and for juniors 5m long.

The ribbon must be in one piece. The end that is attached to the stick is doubled for a maximum length of 1m . This is stitched down both sides. At the top, a very thin reinforcement or rows of machine stitching for a maximum length of 5 cm is authorised.


 Please speak to a member of staff before you purchase rhythmic          gymnastics apparatus.





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Tel: 07751896324


DKN GymnastiX is fully registered with British Gymnastics Governing Body

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